Sunday 12 August 2018


We are under attack. The dread Asian Hornet, Vespa velutina, has arrived at my hives.

I took a honey harvest a couple of weeks ago, but it was small - way too small for this time of year. I suspected that something might be bothering the bees. And today, when I went up to the hives, the bees were locked down in their hive entrances. 

She is out there, somewhere

And just a few centimetres away, the hovering menace:

I've told the rangers, and the bee association, but I'd welcome any advice or suggestions on how best to deal with this.

1 comment:

Dani Mora said...

Do you use any kind of traps?

Reading about that I just found out that according to the APHA's National Bee Unit "Reports from France suggest that in areas where spring trapping has been used, subsequent numbers of Asian hornet nests are reduced by as much as 97% (2 or 3 nests in trapping areas versus >70 nests where no traps have been hung)."

A Simple Monitoring Trap for the Asian Hornet

And this instructions provide more details on hole sizes and tips on how to disperse the traps.