Sunday 13 October 2019

I'm bugged

Beetle identification is a mystery. The beetle Family - Coleopterae - are so hugely varied, with my insect guidebook noting for example that there are 30,000 species of Leaf Beetle, each different from the other.

I had thought that this bug, found today in the bark of a pine I was chopping up, was a Snout Beetle (Curculionidae), with a mere 41,000 species world-wide to chose from. Wrong again - what I thought was the elongated snout is in fact two chubby antennae. I'm bugged if I know what this is, but if anyone out there can identify her or him, let me know.

Bored, of Barking


Beth Haney said...

It reminds me of a pine beetle borer. We have plenty on this side of the pond. Check this out:

Beth Haney said...

I've been bitten by the bug, so to speak, and now I think it's:

and can you believe they prefer to munch on our beloved Scotch pines!!!